How Long To Recover From Cataract Surgery?

How Long To Recover From Cataract Surgery? 

Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly carried out operations in the world today. The procedure takes around 20 minutes to perform on a single eye. But how long does it take to recover and what can (and can’t) you do during this time?

The following is a guide to exactly what to expect in the hours, days, and weeks after surgery.

Cataract Surgery: Recovery time and aftercare

  • Cataract surgery: the process
  • Cataract surgery recovery time
  • Cataract surgery aftercare

Cataract surgery: the process

Cataract surgery involves the surgeon making an incision through the cornea, accessing the lens capsule, and breaking down the diseased lens into microscopic pieces. This is either done using sound waves or a laser, depending on the type of surgery performed. Once the lens is fractured, the pieces are suctioned out and an artificial lens is put in its place. Whether you undergo traditional cataract surgery or the more cutting-edge laser cataract surgery, no stitches are required to seal the incision.

The process is painless because your eye will be numbed with anesthetic drops before the procedure. A device will be fitted to the eye throughout to prevent you from blinking while the surgeon is working. While this might sound a little frightening, the whole operation is little more than a minor discomfort, although it will obviously feel somewhat strange.

Once the lens replacement is complete, a shield will be fitted over the eye for protection. You’ll need to wear this for at least 24 hours continuously and again when you sleep for the next few days.

Cataract surgery recovery time 

The recovery time is generally quite fast. However, you will have to take it easy for a few weeks to allow the eye to heal. You’ll be able to return home the same day of the operation but will have to rest for the next couple of days.

It’ll be necessary to refrain from certain activities for several weeks. You’ll be advised what these are but include: 

  • Leaning forward or bending down
  • Heavy lifting
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Any activity that causes excessive jolting
  • Swimming

Cataract surgery aftercare  

After your cataract operation, you’ll be given eye drops to apply for a few days. These, along with any necessary over-the-counter analgesia, will keep any post-operative pain and infection at bay. You should refrain from rubbing the eye—make sure you wear your eye shield at night as instructed to ensure you don’t inadvertently cause damage when you’re asleep.

You’ll likely have to return to see the surgeon a few days after the procedure to ensure the healing process is going to plan. 

The vast majority of cataract operations pass without incident. Within a few weeks, the healing process will be complete. If you need glasses, then the next step is for a further eye exam to determine your new prescription. For those who need a second cataract operation on the other eye, this will be carried out after the first eye has fully healed, or at a future time when your ophthalmologist deems it appropriate. 

Benefit from the Ultimate Cataract Procedures at the Modern Cataract Clinic 

When it comes to the best cataract surgery options, they don’t come much better than the academic-grade Modern Cataract Clinic run by global expert, Brent Bellotte MD. This passionate clinician has dedicated his professional career to the advancement of cataract treatments and bringing them to the mainstream. It’s just one of the reasons that people travel across the country to avail themselves of his services.

Want to find out more about cataract surgery, recovery time, the types available, and everything you need to know about the procedure? Head to (/services/cataract-surgery-recovery) and call today for a no-obligation discussion.


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