5 Reasons Why Cataract Surgery Isn’t Scary 

Probably the most important point of all. Partnering with an ophthalmologist who you trust will go a huge way to calming your fears.

5 Reasons Why Cataract Surgery Isn’t Scary 

It doesn’t matter how many times you’re told that cataract surgery is safe, that millions of people have it every year, that it won’t hurt, blah, blah, blah… If you’re worried or scared about going under the knife (although let’s stress, it’s a laser, not a knife), then these facts probably won’t do anything to quell your fears.

Rather than go over all the reasons that your surgeon, friends, (the lady down the end of the road whose second cousin twice removed had a cataract op) repeat to allay your worries, let’s look at a few alternative reasons that might—just might—ease your mind a little

If you’re terrified of cataract surgery, then read on…

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t be Terrified of Cataract Surgery

  • 1: you can focus on the positives
  • 2: you can plan the buildup
  • 3: you can put your support network in place
  • 4: you get to put your feet up for a while
  • 5: you can choose your surgeon

1: you can focus on the positives

If you’ve been told that cataract surgery is on the cards, then you’re already suffering from pretty poor vision. OK, so you’ve got to get through the op, but once done then think about all the incredible advantages.

  • Restored eyesight means you can, once again, feast your eyes clearly on all the things that make life a joy. The faces of your children and grandkids, wildlife, flowers, and the wonders of nature, for example
  • Read easily once again
  • Driving becomes more of a pleasure—maybe even nighttime driving
  • Wave goodbye to those annoying halos around light sources
  • If you opt for an advanced intraocular lens, you might benefit from a life without eyeglasses or contact lenses
  • Knowing that this is a one-off procedure, you’ll never have to worry about failing eyesight from cataracts ever again.

2: you can plan the buildup

The fear of cataract surgery often comes from being out of control. One thing you do have a say over is the buildup to the op. Concentrate on healthy living to ensure you’re in the best possible shape for a speedy recovery. Eat well, exercise (as much as you can), reduce or avoid alcohol, and give up smoking. Taking charge of this pre-op period can help focus your mind and reduce anxiety.

3: you can put your support network in place

Prime your nearest and dearest for the assistance you’ll need both pre-and post-op. At the very least you’ll need someone to drive you home from surgery, plus a helping hand for those all-important days and weeks afterward.

If you don’t have anyone living at home to help with the chores, perhaps a family member or friend might move in for a while or visit daily. If not, there are care packages that can be arranged to get you through the recovery period.

4: you get to put your feet up for a while

Take advantage of not being as active as usual. You’ll be able to ignore the gardening, housework, and other home domestics completely guilt-free. In fact, it’s essential that you do so for a speedy recovery. 

The good news is that you’ll be encouraged to use your eye straight away. The perfect excuse to watch your fav TV programs, catch up on the novel you’ve always been promising you’ll read, or send all those long overdue emails to far-flung friends and relatives.

5: you can choose your surgeon

Probably the most important point of all. Partnering with an ophthalmologist who you trust will go a huge way to calming your fears. Get this right and the rest will be a walk in the park, we promise…

When it Comes to Surgeons, it doesn’t get much better than the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic

If you’re looking for a cataract surgeon that ticks all the boxes, look no further than Dr. Brent Bellotte at his custom cataract facility at the West Boca Eye Center. Want one of the best medical professionals in the field? How about a man who’s dedicated his career to the advancement of cataract surgery? An academic-grade clinic? Cutting-edge procedures? And all wrapped up with a supporting team of clinical and administrative staff who’re committed to bringing you the best experience possible.

If you’re terrified of cataract surgery, let us hold your hand and gently guide you every step of the way.

Visit https://www.moderncataractsurgery.com for more info and call today. We promise that you won’t regret it…


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