Are You at Rick for Cataracts?

Are You at Risk for Cataracts?

Cataracts commonly develop as we get older. However, is it inevitable, or is there anything we can do to reduce the risk? While it’s true that an aging population means the incidences of cataracts are increasing, experts believe that there are many steps we can all take to reduce the risk of development.

The following looks at what the risk factors are and what you can do to help prevent them.  

Understanding the Risk for Cataracts

  • The 6 most common risk for cataracts
  • How to help reduce your risk for cataracts

The 6 most common risk for cataracts

The risk factors contain elements that you can help mitigate and those that you have no control over. The following looks at the 6 most common risk factors for developing the disease.

1: Your age: As already stated, advancing age increases the risk for cataracts. They don’t tend to begin forming until later in life, but it’s important to be screened for them from age 40 onwards. Most people don’t need surgery until their 70s or 80s.

2:  A poor diet: The body requires a good nutritional mix for healthy tissues and cell regeneration. A diet that doesn’t include a wide range of vitamins and minerals can be a reason for accelerated cataract formation. This could include food habits that are high in salt, sugar, and saturated fats. Failing to eat plenty of fruit and veg can also be a factor.

3: Smoking: Tobacco impacts every part of our health, including the risk of developing cataracts.

4: Being overweight: Obesity affects every bodily system, reducing adequate nutrition and oxygen distribution around the body. All our tissues require these building blocks to remain healthy—and that includes the eyes.

5: High cholesterol and/or blood sugar: These are both detrimental to the health of the body, preventing the cells from regenerating and remaining in good health as we get older.

6: Excessive UV exposure: High levels of bright sunlight are believed to be a risk factor for cataracts. This could be from sunny climates, from spending a lot of time on the water, or in snow-covered regions. 

How to help reduce your risk for cataracts

Once we know what the risk factors are, we can do things to help reduce them. While you can’t do anything about the passing of the years, you can absolutely take steps to reduce the other risks in the above list

  • Eat a healthy diet, reduce the number of processed foods, and consume a wide variety of fruit and veg.
  • Stop smoking (or never start in the first place).
  • Take steps to keep your weight within healthy guidelines. If you need to lose some excess pounds, be sure to follow a sensible eating and exercise plan that helps with sustainable weight loss.
  • Keep your cholesterol and blood sugar under control. If this involves taking prescription medication that’s advised by your doctor, then be sure to stick to their guidance.
  • Wear good quality sunglasses. Even if you don’t live in a sunny area, high summer can see harmful amounts of UV rays, making sunnies a must-have accessory that we should all be wearing. 

Worried About Cataract Risk? You Need the Modern Cataract Surgery Unit at the West Boca Eye Center

Being diagnosed with or told you’re at risk for cataracts will understandably fill you with concern. You’ll undoubtedly want to seek the best advice and there’s no better place than the specialist unit at the West Boca Eye Center. 

Led by one of the world’s best cataract surgeons, Dr. Brent Bellotte, this custom-built clinic is staffed by some of the most talented eye doctors on the planet.

Don’t worry about cataracts a moment longer. Visit to find out more about us and call today to book your expert consultation.


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