Does Cataract Surgery Have a High Success Rate?

Does Cataract Surgery Have a High Success Rate?

Being diagnosed with cataracts may or may not cause you concern. However, when the time comes for you to go under the surgeon’s knife, it’s only natural to have at least some level of anxiety. What does the operation entail? How long will it take? What’s the success rate…? These are just some of the questions that might be whizzing around your mind.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about the success rate of cataract surgery and many other frequently asked questions 

Everything You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery

  • What’s the success rate of cataract surgery?
  • Other cataract surgery FAQs  

What’s the success rate of cataract surgery?

The success rate of cataract surgery is around 99%. Considering that over 10 million procedures are carried out around the world each year, this figure is nothing short of amazing!

Around 20% of operations do require a further procedure in the months or years following the initial operation. This is to treat a condition called Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO)—often mistakenly referred to as a secondary cataract. This presents with similar symptoms to the original cataract, such as changes in vision, blurring, fading of colors, etc. However, it’s not the formation of a new cataract (that’s impossible because the natural lens has been removed).

PCO occurs when proteins clump together on the part of the lens capsule that has to be left in the eye to attach the artificial lens. It’s quickly and easily treated with a single procedure, known as YAG laser. This is carried out in the doctor’s office, takes around 5 minutes, and will sort the problem once and for all. 

Other cataract surgery FAQs

  • Can everyone have cataract surgery? While the procedure is suitable for most, there are some reasons that the procedure might present a higher risk. This includes active infection, diabetes, and HIV. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t benefit, just that you should seek a cataract surgeon who specializes in complex cases.
  • Does cataract surgery hurt? The procedure itself doesn’t hurt as your eye will be numbed. There may be some discomfort once the anesthetic has worn off. This is usually treated with OTC or prescription pain relief.
  • How long is the recovery period? Full recovery takes about 8 weeks, However, you’ll be encouraged to use your eyes for activities, such as reading or watching TV, within about 24 hours.
  • Can I have both eyes operated on at the same time? It’s usual to have each eye treated separately. This is because each cataract will form at different rates, plus you don’t want to have disturbed vision during the recovery period in both eyes at the same time.
  • Will I need glasses after cataract surgery? This depends on the type of intraocular lens (IOL) you have inserted. The most basic only provide clear vision at either near or far distances, meaning you’ll need a set of glasses to assist your eyesight. If you have one of the premium IOLs fitted, then you may not need eyeglasses at all. 

Contact the WBEC for the Latest Modern Cataract Surgery Options 

The fact that you’re reading this article means that you or a loved one has most likely been diagnosed with cataracts. You’ll understandably be looking for the best treatment options, and there’s no place better than the Modern Cataract Surgery unit at the West Boca Eye Center.

Whether you need surgical intervention, the monitoring of the condition, or have been diagnosed with a rare type of cataract, the surgical team at the WBEC is one of the best in the world.

Discover more about what we do at and call us today to speak to a member of our friendly team.


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