Floaters after cataract surgery

Read on to discover why the instances of floaters are something many people experience and the surprising reason why…

Although cataract surgery is hugely beneficial (with an almost 100% success rate), there are, naturally, some potential side effects. You might have heard about floaters after cataract surgery, something that is quite common but probably not for the reason you might think.

Read on to discover why the instances of floaters are something many people experience and the surprising reason why…

Floaters After Cataract Surgery: why they occur and treatment

  • Why you might get floaters after cataract surgery
  • The simple treatment for floaters after cataract surgery

Why you might get floaters after cataract surgery

Before we discuss why you might get floaters after cataract surgery, let’s determine what they actually are.

Floaters are caused by tiny clumps of protein (collagen) that float around within the jelly of the eye. They cause the light flow through the eye to be slightly dispersed, causing a shadow on the retina. If you suffer, you’ve probably noticed that you can’t look directly at a floater—if you try, they smoothly “float” across your vision. This is because they’re suspended within the jelly (vitreous) of the eye, so move as you shift your gaze.

So, why do they sometimes appear after cataract surgery? Contrary to popular belief, they’re absolutely nothing to do with the surgical procedure—because they were most likely there all along.

The reason you’re noticing them now is that your eyesight is much sharper and clearer than it was before. In other words, the cataract shielded the floater/s from your view.

The simple treatment for floaters after cataract surgery

If a floater or floaters are too troublesome, there are a couple of procedures that can help. The first, and most invasive, is known as a vitrectomy and involves removing the natural eye jelly and replacing it with a saline solution. As you can imagine, this is a pretty major treatment and is reserved for only the serious of problems.

Far less intrusive is a procedure called YAG laser vitreolysis. This simple, fast treatment takes a few minutes and is used to dissolve the floaters. Your ophthalmologist can carry it out in his or her office, and you’ll return home straight afterward. It’s highly successful.

Other Possible Side Effects of Cataract Surgery 

  • Side effects and treatment

Side effects and treatment

Other side effects that affect some people after cataract surgery are light flashes or shadows. The medical name for these conditions are:

Positive dysphotopsias: or light flashes, most usually in the peripheral vision

Negative dysphotopsias: seeing shadows in the peripheral vision

These are usually transient and disappear a few days after treatment. They’re caused by the artificial lens, its placement, material, and design. They are very common—it’s believed up to 50% of people have them in the first few days following surgery. Once the eye and brain have become accustomed to their new normal, they usually fade.

If they don’t go away, your cataract surgeon will advise if a new artificial lens might need to be considered.

Blurred or double vision is another common side effect for a few days or weeks after surgery. Again, this usually rectifies itself as your eyes and brain learn to adjust to the new lens and improved vision. 

Experience the Ultimate Modern Cataract Surgery at the West Boca Eye Center

The WBEC is a leading clinical institution that’s known for its prowess in cataract surgery. The dedicated Modern Cataract Surgery unit is led by one of the world’s best cataract surgeons, Brent Bellotte MD.

People travel from across the US and beyond to avail themselves of his expertise and the advanced IOLs and treatments that are often available here before anywhere else.

Explore the clinic at https://www.moderncataractsurgery.com/ and call the friendly team today to book a consultation.


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