How early can cataracts appear?

Cataracts are generally thought of as something that occurs later in life. While this is true, some types can affect younger people—even newborns, in some cases.

Cataracts are generally thought of as something that occurs later in life. While this is true, some types can affect younger people—even newborns, in some cases.

The following is a guide to all types of cataracts, how early they might appear, and the treatments available.

Cataracts Overview: congenital, traumatic, and age-related

  • Congenital and childhood cataracts
  • Traumatic cataracts
  • Age-related and how early can cataracts appear?

Congenital and childhood cataracts

This rare form of cataracts is usually diagnosed at or soon after birth. In such cases, the infant is referred to a pediatric cataract specialist for treatment. This generally involves surgery to remove the diseased lens. Sometimes a new lens is inserted (an intraocular lens) but this is a relatively new concept and studies are still being carried out as to the effectiveness. However, early reports are very positive.

Most children will wear either glasses or a contact lens-glasses combination after the natural lens is removed. They are also likely to need early intervention services to help them learn and develop. Your pediatric ophthalmologist will guide you through all of this.

Traumatic cataracts

Traumatic cataracts are those that occur following an eye injury or long-term inflammation. They can occur quickly or develop over an extended period. They can happen at any age.

Age-related and how early can cataracts appear?

Age-related cataracts are by far the most common type. Indeed, by the age of 80, virtually everyone will either have cataracts or. Have had them removed.

So, at what age can you expect cataracts to occur? 

Generally, they don’t begin to form much before the age of 45, which is why your regular eye exam will specifically be looking for them once you reach this golden age. However, even if you are diagnosed this early, most people don’t tend to have any symptoms until their late 60s or 70s. This is because they typically evolve over many years—decades, even.

Any cataracts that are diagnosed before 45 are considered to be early-onset.

Apart from trauma, as we’ve already mentioned, there are some known risk factors for early-onset cataracts.

These include:

  • Diabetes: Elevated blood sugar is known to increase the risk of cataract development. Both Type I and Type II increase your chances. This makes good management of the condition vital to lower the risk.
  • Glaucoma: The increased internal eye pressure of the condition can also predispose a person to the early development of cataracts.
  • Medication: The most well-known is the long-term use of steroids. However, it’s becoming increasingly understood that the extended use of cholesterol-lowering drugs, known as statins, can also increase the risk. However, it’s important to note that the risks of not taking statins or steroids if prescribed are far higher than that of cataracts. Plus, cataracts are easily treated, whereas the effects of not taking prescription medication can be far more serious—or even fatal.
  • Excessive radiation: The most common is failing to protect your eyes from UV exposure, especially in highly reflective environments, such as on the water or snow. Radiation treatment as part of cancer therapy might also play a role in the development of early-onset cataracts.
  • Lifestyle factors: Smoking, excessive drinking, obesity, and poor diet are also considered to increase the risk of developing cataracts at an earlier age.

As you can see, the only ones that we can truly impact are our lifestyle choices and to protect our eyes from the sun. Diabetics can also play a role, with good disease management and compliance with any medication. These are all relatively simple steps and ones that can truly help ensure that we don’t develop cataracts any earlier than we need to. 

The Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic at the WBEC Treats Every Type of Cataract

Thanks to the expertise of world-leading cataract expert, Brent Bellotte MD., the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic is the ultimate place to seek treatment. If you’re worried about or have been diagnosed with any type of cataract, the facility offers cutting-edge care and procedures.

Find out more at and call today to arrange an initial consultation.


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