How Long Do I Have to Wear an Eye Shield After Cataract Surgery?

In general, you’ll need to wear it for up to a week—especially at night—but your surgeon will give you precise details about this. 

Asking, “How long do I have to wear an eye shield after cataract surgery?” is one of the FAQs for those about to have a procedure. In general, you’ll need to wear it for up to a week—especially at night—but your surgeon will give you precise details about this. 

There are important reasons why you must protect the eye, especially during the delicate healing process that takes place over the first couple of weeks.

Protecting Your Eye After Cataract Surgery

  • The importance of the eye shield
  • Eye protection: the must-do’s
  • Eye protection: the do-nots

The importance of the eye shield

The eye shield that you’ll be provided with plays a vital role in post-operative healing. It prevents debris from going into the eye and, crucially, stops you from touching it. This is especially important while you’re sleeping, which is why you should wear it overnight for at least a week.

You can also use it to protect the eye from sunlight in that first week—something that your surgeon will reiterate, because it’s super-important.

Eye protection: the must-do’s

The following lists the most important must-do elements of eye protection after a cataract operation.

You must:

  • Use your eye drops as prescribed: These help with pain relief, prevent infection, keep the eye well lubricated, and assist with healing. Be sure to wash your hands before use and keep the lid tightly stoppered and in a clean place for storage.
  • Take pain relief as needed: It’s normal for the eye to feel a little sore and itchy after the procedure. Taking over-the-counter (or the ones your surgeon prescribes) painkillers will help stop you from touching or scratching at the eye.
  • Rest and avoid strenuous activity: Even if your vision is greatly improved, which many people find almost straight away, rest as you’ve been told. The tissues need time to knit together and heal, so avoid picking up anything heavy or doing anything strenuous. Yes, that means you can give the housework a miss for a few days, although gentle walks are encouraged and will actively promote healing.
  • Protect your eyes when outside: Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed or peaked hat. This isn’t only for sun protection, but shields against wind, pollen, and dust as well.
  • Shower and bathe as normal: Just avoid getting any water, shampoo, or soap in the eye. You might find baths easier for the first few days to prevent any unintentional splashing.

Eye protection: the do-nots

You should actively avoid the following:

  • Don’t drive until you’re told it’s safe: While some people can get back behind the wheel within 24 hours, no one should drive themselves home from surgery. Vision anomalies, such as blurring, are also common during the healing process. You also might need new eyeglasses, in which case you may need to wait until you have these. Be guided by your surgeon as to when you’ll be safe to drive again.
  • Don’t touch or rub your eye: This is vital and the reason why knowing how long you should wear the eye shield after cataract surgery is so important. Keeping it in place, at least during the night, for a few extra days can be the difference between optimal or delayed healing.
  • Don’t wear eye makeup: At least for a few weeks.
  • Don’t swim or use a sauna: Bacteria in these locations raise the risk of infection. It’s advisable to wait at least 4-6 weeks, and this advice also applies to hot tubs too.

Get Answers to How Long Do I Have to Wear an Eye Shield After Cataract Surgery & Other FAQS at the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic

One of the reasons we provide world-leading cataract care (apart from our cutting-edge procedures) is that we make sure that no question ever goes unanswered. Whether you’re concerned about how long you need to wear your eye shield, when you can start driving, play golf again, or have any other pre- or post-op concerns, we’re here for you.

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