These 4 Habits Are Damaging Your Eyes

These 4 Habits Are Damaging Your Eyes

Eyesight is something most of us take for granted. Until, that is, there’s a problem. Unfortunately, there are some very common habits that many of us are guilty of that are very damaging to our eyes in the long term. 

Thankfully, once you know what they are, it’s relatively easy to make a few simple lifestyle changes to prevent the damage they bring.

 Read on to find out what they are. 

4 Habits to Kick to Help with Eyesight Health

  • The 4 biggest culprits of eyesight damage  

The 4 biggest culprits of eyesight damage 

The problem with bad habits is that we’re probably not aware of the damage they cause. When it comes to eye health, these are the 4 biggest things that risk your precious vision.

  1. Not protecting your eyes from UV rays: Damaging UV rays from the sun is a big risk to your eyes. Not only does the bright light make you squint (and that promotes wrinkles—something none of us want), but they cause internal damage to the sensitive eye structures. The same applies if you use sunbeds or other tanning equipment.
  2. Smoking tobacco and excessive alcohol: If you do smoke or imbibe in a glass or three a little too often, then you’re probably well aware that it’s not a healthy lifestyle choice. When it comes to your eyes, both of these habits have a detrimental effect. They play a significant role in reducing the essential nutrients of the body that nourish the eye tissues. 
  3. Not eating a healthy diet: Too much red meat, a diet high in sugar and fat, consuming processed foods… These all negatively impact on your overall health and can be highly detrimental to vision. Being overweight increases your chance of developing diabetes. In turn, this can have severe negative repercussions on your eyes, such as diabetic retinopathy and other related diseases.
  4. Failing to have regular eye checks: Sadly, this is something many fail to do. The importance of regular eye doctor visits can’t be overstated. From childhood onwards, yearly or bi-yearly examinations mean that any issues are picked up early.  

Healthy or Damaged: Habits for Eyesight that you Should be Doing

  • Kick the bad habits and swop them for these 

Kick the bad habits and swop them for these

  • UV rays: There’s an easy fix for this. Simply wear good quality sunglasses and a hat with a peak or rim. This is even more vital if you’re in a highly reflective environment, such as on water or in the snow. If you have it, ditch the sunbed habit and swap for one of the great self-tan options available. Your skin will thank you as well.
  • Smoking and drinking: It’s true that reducing intake or quitting entirely can be tough. However, there’s plenty of help available and it’s never too late to try. If necessary, switch to vaping as a way to wean yourself off tobacco.
  • Trade up your diet: No one is saying that you can’t have treats. However, aim for the majority of your week to be filled with healthy eating days. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, ensure that you get the right nutrients by including plenty of nuts and pulses in your diet. You might also want to consider taking supplements to balance out what you don’t get from animal or fish products.
  • Regular eye exams: Another easy habit to change by partnering with a great eye doctor and making sure you stick to the advised eye examination schedule. For most, this is an easy to schedule once every year or two. As you age, these are even more important as there’s no getting away from the fact that we’ll all get cataracts at some stage—it’s a natural element of aging. However, today’s advanced care no longer means that it’s the sight-threatening condition it used to be, thanks to advanced cataract surgery. 

Worried About Eye Health or Cataracts? Contact Modern Cataract Surgery at the WBEC

Modern Cataract Surgery is the cataract-specific clinic at the West Boca Eye Center. This academic-grade facility offers some of the most advanced surgery in the world and is headed by global expert, Brent Bellotte MD. 

Whether you’re worried about cataracts, want laser vision correction, have a child with a rare eyesight condition, or simply want to partner with a leading eye care doctor to benefit from the best vision throughout your life, the WBEC is a one-stop-shop that services every aspect of eye health.

Discover more at


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