Want to be Featured on Modern Cataract Surgery?

A successful outcome and patient satisfaction are the two most important drivers at the Modern Cataract Surgery clinic.

A successful outcome and patient satisfaction are the two most important drivers at the Modern Cataract Surgery clinic. In a world of Google reviews, mind-boggling internet search results, and (sadly) way too much misinformation, there’s no better way to research the best surgical cataract procedures than with real-world stories. 

So how about telling yours by being featured on our website? We’re looking for current and past patients who’ve taken advantage of the cutting-edge treatment provided by Brent Bellotte M.D. and the team. From routine cataract surgery to the most complex cases, you can take your place on the Modern Cataract Surgery wall of fame and play a massive part in helping others through their cataract journey.

What Does it Mean to be Featured on Modern Cataract Surgery? 

  • Tell your story and help others
  • Who is Modern Cataract Surgery looking for? 

Tell your story and help others

Cast your mind back to when you (or a loved one) were first diagnosed with cataracts. It’s a scary time—and even though you’re told multiple times that a cataract operation is routine and that millions are carried out each year, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t have at least a little anxiety. This was likely exacerbated if you have other coexisting medical conditions, such as diabetes, an autoimmune condition, or previous eye complications that need to be considered.

You probably spoke to friends and relatives who might also have traveled the same path and, almost certainly, did a little online digging. However, the problem with looking things up on the internet is that, despite all the efforts to the contrary, the landscape is still somewhat of a Wild West. Horror stories aside, finding clear, unbiased, accurate information that’s not tainted with unverified blurb only serves to increase that anxiety. 

At Modern Cataract Surgery we’re keen to do our bit to reduce this. That’s why we want to feature people who’re happy to tell their stories to the world. It doesn’t need to be long or in-depth (but could be, if you like), it just needs honest, real-world info that’ll help others prepare for their cataract journey.

Who is Modern Cataract Surgery looking for?

If you’ve got or had cataracts, then we’re looking for you. Maybe you had a lens replacement many years ago—you might’ve recently healed from the procedure, or maybe you’re about to have cataract surgery. If you have any connection to the Modern Cataract Surgery clinic and Brent Bellotte M.D., then we’d love to hear from you.

Perhaps Brent was pivotal in carrying out a cutting-edge procedure that allowed you to have the latest intraocular lens fitted? Maybe we worked with other members of your healthcare teams to manage several complex conditions to get you to the stage where a cataract operation was possible? Or you might be waiting for your procedure to be done and would like to document your treatment to help others.

We’ve got no profile for the “perfect” people to feature on our website. All we ask is that you’re keen to help others navigate their road to advanced cataract surgery.

See Your Name in Lights on the Modern Cataract Surgery Website

If you fancy telling your story and helping others get the life-enhancing, cutting-edge cataract care that you’ve taken advantage of, then get in touch.

We’ll make the whole process as simple as possible—and enjoyable too. This part of your cataract journey will be handled with the same care, consideration, and empathy that we did with your procedure. Plus, you’ll be digitally immortalized—and if that’s not a party piece then we don’t know what is!

Head over to https://www.moderncataractsurgery.com and contact our team today for the next steps.


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