When is it Safe to Drive After Getting Cataract Surgery?

When is it Safe to Drive After Getting Cataract Surgery?

So, you’ve been told the time has come for cataract surgery. You’ll likely have a whole bunch of questions to ask. One of the most common is, how long do I have to wait after treatment to be able to drive again?

While the recovery period is unique to the individual, there are some general time scales that apply to most of the day-to-day activities we all want to get back to.

Read on to find out what these are.

Cataract Surgery Recovery Time

  • A timeline of cataract surgery recovery
  • Driving after cataract surgery

A timeline of cataract surgery recovery

Cataract surgical procedures today will most likely have you returning to normal activities within about 4-6 weeks.

While everyone’s body heals slightly differently, a normal post-op experience can be expected to follow a timeline similar to the following:

  • Day 0: The operation takes place: Because an anesthetic is used to numb the eye during the procedure, you can expect the feeling to gradually return over a few hours. Normal vision will, however, take a little longer to be restored.
  • Days 1-7: You may feel a little discomfort, such as grittiness, watering, redness, double vision, or blurring. These are all completely normal and normally settle within a few days. However, it may take up to 6 weeks for them to fully go away.
  • Weeks 2-6: Most people find they can begin to return to most normal activities, with the proviso that they don’t get water in their eyes, wear eye makeup for at least 4 weeks, rub the eye, or undertake strenuous exercise.

You’ll have a follow-up appointment 24-48 hours after your surgery. Your ophthalmologist will check that everything has gone according to plan, advise on appropriate pain relief, and what you can and can’t do for the following days and weeks.

There are many things that you can do to actively promote fast recovery, including:

  • Using your eye drops as instructed
  • Clean your eye regularly during the first 2 weeks. Use boiled, cooled water and clean gauze to do so. It’s important that you don’t introduce any dirt or toxins, as this could lead to infection
  • Always wash your hands before applying eye drops or cleaning your eye
  • Reading, watching TV, and using a computer
  • Wear your eyeshield as instructed by your surgeon
  • Use pain relief as appropriate
  • Wear sunglasses when outdoors

Driving after cataract surgery

Driving after cataract surgery differs for everyone, but you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised as to how soon you can get back behind the wheel. If your surgeon gives you the all-clear when you visit 24-48 hours later, it could be safe to drive as soon as that.

It is, however, important to realize that we’re all different. While some people might be back in the driving seat almost straight away, others might need to wait a few weeks to do so. If you experience any visual disturbances, such as blurred or double vision, then it’s advisable to wait until these have subsided before heading out on the road.

Want the Ultimate Treatment? You Need the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic

At Modern Cataract Surgery, we don’t only provide the very best treatment, but we also have the expertise and know-how to put you at ease and answer all your questions.

We know that cataract surgery, while considered routine by clinicians, is anything but normal for you. That’s why there’s no question too small, no worry too little, and certainly no lack of reassurance about every element of pre, during, and postoperative care.

Discover more about us at https://www.moderncataractsurgery.com and call today to talk to a member of our experienced team.


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